There has been some reports of the Newgrounds user, MetaKnightPwns(click to go to page) stealing other peoples artwork for his own game! What do you think of this?
Posted by dirtymonkey - August 11th, 2009
There has been some reports of the Newgrounds user, MetaKnightPwns(click to go to page) stealing other peoples artwork for his own game! What do you think of this?
His name is MetaKnightPwns. I don't think we have much to worry about.
He should be deleted. He's been stealing art for a while now. Don't worry I've alerted the admins.
i agree
You spelled thief wrong...
Ooh, I'm still trying to decide if he's a thief or not
he stole misterlevon's art! and HE SPAMS!
Ban? Yes, yes I think so.
I am very alarmed at this recent development. MetaKnightPwns will have a lot of explaining to do when I catch up with the little rascal.
1. I need proof lol I see no stolen artwork or flashes.
2. Who gives a shit the game will probably suck anyway.. using unknown NG users for main characters..BLECH.
Dude the drawing that levon submited was deleted cause he stoll it idiot.
Ok so let's all relax.We all act like fags at this moment.Both of you MetaknightPWNS and misterlevon need proof about who stole who's.Just relax.We are not in the real world
i think as long as he credits the art he should be fine.
i see